Search for tag: "point"

BUAD 110 Alumni Videos Marlena Gelin - Senior Consultant

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From  James Hageman 0 likes 64 plays 0  

Recover Delaware: Digitization Check In

Held on Thursday, July 29, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. via Zoom, this meeting provided a recap of the July 14 Roundtable and an open conversation around the following topics:What promising digital…

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From  Sarah Marshall 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Salary Negotiation

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From  Amber Ridgeway 0 likes 57 plays 0  

Designing Crack Propagation in Brittle Composites

Presenters Dr. Zubaer Hosszin Fazle Elahi Tousif Ahmed Tengyuan Hao Zoom Recording ID: 92787051593 UUID: wsjBy10ESYGpKExPnZ5YBg== Meeting Time: 2021-06-24 09:51:34pm

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From  Kristen Scully 0 likes 14 plays 0  

SMWLV Rubin Obs LSST meeting

June 2021 meeting for the Rubin Observatory LSST SMWLV Science Collaboration.

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From  John Gizis 0 likes 2 plays 0  

We Hatch Professional Workshop #5

From  Joseph Dombroski 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Cancer Group

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From  Gilberto Schleiniger 0 likes 5 plays 0  

“Moving Beyond Modern Portfolio Theory: Investing That Matters” - 5/26/21

The Weinberg Center hosted a webinar featuring Jon Lukomnik and James Hawley focusing on their newly published book, “Moving Beyond Modern Portfolio Theory: Investing That Matters”. …

From  Nicole Rich 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Covid-19 Town Hall 5-17-21

A town hall hosted on May 17, 2021, provides important updates for the UD research community, from campus operations to grants administration, and ways you can help our local community at this time.

+28 More
From  David Barczak 0 likes 52 plays 0  

Covid-19 Town Hall 5-3-21

A town hall hosted on May 3, 2021, provides important updates for the UD research community, from campus operations to grants administration, and ways you can help our local community at this time.

+38 More
From  David Barczak 0 likes 21 plays 0  

VII.5 Direction fields

From  Tobin Driscoll 0 likes 113 plays 0  

VII.4 Logistic equation

From  Tobin Driscoll 0 likes 82 plays 0  

VII.1-2 Autonomous scalar problems

From  Tobin Driscoll 0 likes 85 plays 0  

VI.6 Stability and phase plane

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From  Tobin Driscoll 0 likes 120 plays 0  

feature extraction

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From  Federica Bianco 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Clapper and King Rail Population Genomics, Elisa Elizondo

The Clapper (Rallus crepitans)and King (Rallus elegans) rails are secretive marsh birds with declining populations. These species hybridize, but the extent and direction of introgression are unknown.…

From  Lauren Mosesso 0 likes 39 plays 0