Search for tag: "situations"

Mental Health, Wellness and the Pandemic.

A wellness focused mini-podcast series scripted and hosted by UD students about being well during the pandemic and beyond. Visit: to listen to the latest episodes…

From  Angela DiNunzio Seguin 0 likes 54 plays

Faculty Resilience Series: Stressed to Thriving

Faculty will be able to identify their personal stressors and stress-coping styles, recognize unhealthy coping habits and learn how to correct these habits, create ongoing goals for addressing…

From  Laura Soltys 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Fresh Check Week: Rise Up

SOS leads a virtual booth about mental health related issues following sexual assault, as well as ways that bystanders can better support survivors.

From  Angela DiNunzio Seguin 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Before You Explore: Be Well Abroad

Create a foundation for your wellbeing abroad by learning tips, strategies and activities to support your mental and emotional health.

From  Kaitlyn Laws 0 likes 45 plays 0  

01 introduction.mp4

UD Capture Recording

From  Phil Duker 0 likes 467 plays 0