In this video, Tara Leonard, Director for UD Health Coaching Clinic, explains the services that the clinic offers for UD employees.
Department Name
Employee Health and Wellbeing Department Division
HR Date Established
April 13, 2021
The Lifelong Lerner Webinar Series, hosted
by the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and
Economics, addresses today’s top business challenges resulting from…
Department Name
Lerner College Date Established
December 17, 2020
This webinar features Dr. Jennifer Horney, Professor and Director of UD's Epidemiology Program, discussing tools of public health and epidemiology used in the current COVID-19 response. The…
Department Name
Epidemiology Date Established
December 08, 2020
Department Name
Lerner College Date Established
November 19, 2020
Members of UD's leadership team discuss how they are coping with the current
challenges in their lives, resources they use to maintain wellbeing, and
how we can overcome this…
Department Name
Employee Health and Wellbeing Department Division
HR Date Established
November 11, 2020
he Lifelong Lerner Webinar Series, hosted by the University of
Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, addresses
today’s top business challenges with Lerner…
Department Name
Lerner College Date Established
August 27, 2020
This anonymous member of the University of Delaware community shares their thoughts about life during a pandemic. This message was submitted for the Voices of UD project, hosted by UD's Center…
Department Name
Center for Political Communication Date Established
January 01, 2010
This anonymous member of the University of Delaware community shares their thoughts about life during a pandemic. This message was submitted for the Voices of UD project, hosted by UD's Center…
Department Name
Center for Political Communication Date Established
January 01, 2010
Jacqueline Means, a University of Delaware freshman majoring in neuroscience, shares her thoughts about life during a pandemic. Jacqueline submitted her message for the Voices of UD project, hosted…
Department Name
Center for Political Communication Date Established
January 01, 2010
The increases in unemployment and financial hardship brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to concerns about increased levels of eviction and homelessness. During this webinar, Stephen Metraux…
Department Name
Institute for Public Administration Date Established
July 30, 2020
Student Financial Services shares some information in this presentation about funding your UD education as a Delaware resident. This presentation specifically covers outside scholarships and making…
Department Division
Marketing Date Established
May 14, 2020
Christopher Volker, associate director of the University of Delaware's University Writing Center, shares his thoughts about life during a pandemic. Chris submitted this message for the Voices of…
Department Name
Center for Political Communication Department Division
Marketing Date Established
January 01, 2010
Lindsay Hoffman, an associate professor of communication and political science at the University of Delaware, shares her thoughts about life during a pandemic. Lindsay submitted this message for the…
Department Name
Center for Political Communication Department Division
Marketing Date Established
January 01, 2010