Hi everyone. I'm curious as well. They're a mess at the University of Delaware. And today we're going to be doing move together. So we're going to be working on different options that we can exercise together and that you can also do at home on your own with maybe your dogs as well. The first exercise we're going to start with, There's two options. So you can watch me for one option in our back end from the other option. So option one, you're going to stand all the way up and sit all the way back down. And you're going to do that as quickly but as safely as you can. And if you can't say enough, perfectly fine, we're going to do marches, so you'll watch Rebecca, you're going to alternate lifting your fee. We want actually to do this as quickly as you can see, you can get as many as you can in. Okay, we're going to go 30 seconds. All right. Everyone ready? 321 and go all the way up and down. Up and down. Good job, everyone. You're halfway there. I go. Faster. Yes. A five more seconds. And rest. I feel a nice job, everyone. We're going to do that to work. That's good. We're going to do it two more times. Ready? Let's go in. 321, go so we're standing up or we're doing our marches. Remember as quick but as safe as you can, you should feel that heart rate pumped in. Hello, can be used to stand. Nice job everyone. To the thigh more. Second is good and rest. Good job. You can always take a quick sip of water if you have one year, you were going to do that one more time in three, 21. Nice job. Everyone. Get as many as you can. And we'll get a job or not, we're out. All right. Everyone said we're seconds the last time you do an ease. 321 and rest. Nice job. Okay, everyone take a quick rest. I'm going to paint our next exercise. So our next one, I want you to stay sitting up. We're going to work our shoulders, our elbows, and our arms for this line. So what we're gonna do is we're going to reach down all the way Aeschylus your foot as you can, and then you're going to come all the way out the other way. So a big star reach, we're going to stay on one side will reach all the way out, and that will come up all the way back down. We're going to switch over to the other side after 30 seconds. You are on your hands, that's fine. You can kinda hold one hand or wrist in the other and use that to help your hand. Okay. All right, everyone, let's go in five seconds. In 3, 2, 1, let's go back. Reach. Good job. Reach for the stars. Halfway there. All right, five more seconds. 3, 2, and switch to the other side. Big reach is. And again, you can help one hand with the other if you need to. Everyone works out a little bit different so you just adjust for you. Okay. Five more seconds. 321. Take a quick breast. Nice. Everyone see movements fun together or on your own, and these are things you can do on your own. You want to edit this part out, marshmallows. Marshmallows. He's big into ripping things. That she's not helpful. I actually do grandma, I wanted a whole lot of water. All right. Now. Okay. Okay. All right. Good job, everyone. We're going to do that again. So let's get ready to start with our left side. Ready the savages in 321. Here we go and reach last side. Good John. Oh, hey, reaches for the stars. As far as he can. Pick up the pennies if it's feeling too easy. Everyone's looking great. Five more seconds. In 3, 2, 1, switch to the right and Other side, Let's go. Nice job. Big reaches. Feel the stretch x. Keep in that heart rate up. We want to say move and get right back to the left side and lab in 321 and sweat hearing now, he'd been that heart rate up. Anybody having fun yet? Yellow dogs, especially Yes. Down everyone. All right. We're going to switch over Time to the right side in 321 and switch those big Rachel's commenting. You can also reach and connect the dot. Read that, impact the DA. Not quite as good, but they like it. Five seconds and we'll take harassed in 3, 2, 1. Nice job everyone. If you bought some water and ground water, It's important to stay hydrated when we're doing our exercises. So that two exercises, less even restaurants to stay hydrated. Okay, So do I exercise is this one we're going to all count together. Sort of exercise we're going to do. You can be seated. So you can watch Rebecca for that. So you'll bring your heels off the ground and bring them back down, heels up and up and around. If you'd like to stand, you can stand by account or behind a chair. Have your hands on image here for nouns. And then again, and it'll come up to point your toes in all the way back down, up on your toes, down. So that's exercise 1. We're going to do 10 of those. Then what we're going to deal and you're sitting you're going to step out to the side, bring it back in. We'll do ten on that side. And after we do ten there, we're going to switch to the other side. So you're really lifting your foot out, bring it over and come back in. If your state and a V behind that share again. And what you're gonna do is you'll bring your leg out to the side and bring it back and just bring it out as far as you can hold in your hands for balance. We'll do ten on one side, then we'll switch to 10 on the other. All right. Everyone ready to count together? Yes. We're gonna go in 321. Here we go. 1234567. A nine and 10. Good. Okay. Let's start with our right side. We're going to bring our leg out to the side. And if you see that, remember lift that foot up and bring it out to the side. Everybody, let's count together. Here we go. And 12345678910. A nice job in the right or left butt. Here we go. And 123456789, 10, good, back to actors. I have this one coming up on your toes. Here we go. And 123456789, 10, good kicks with the right. Here we go 12345678910 and left side. Here we go 123456789 and 10. Good. One more time of each exercise, I'm coming up on her toes. Here we go. And one to count with me, 3456789, 10, good right side kicks. Here we go. 123456789, 10, good. Last time on the left, here we go. 123456789. 10. Good job. Good job, everyone. Thanks for having me come and work out with you today in just remember movements really important for you? So one of the things you can do is get up and go for a nice walk, get your heart rate up. You can bring your dogs if you have them. But the most important thing is to keep your heart pumping and you should feel a little sweat and a little heart pumps. And when you're doing your exercise and that'll be good, good movement and energy to make your days all better. Thanks for having me. Thank you so much. Thanks everybody. Alright.
UDASI Resilience - Movement-2
From Rebecca Pompon June 17, 2021
8 plays
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