Sleep, the health behavior that starts and ends each
day. Better sleep equals better health, so let's come up with
a plan to help you achieve a better night of sleep to…
Department Name
Employee Health and Wellbeing Department Division
HR Date Established
March 18, 2021
A wellness focused mini-podcast series scripted and hosted by UD students about being well during the pandemic and beyond. Visit: https://anchor.fm/udstudentwellness to listen to the latest episodes…
Department Name
Student Wellness and Health Promotion Date Established
March 15, 2021
Working Well Session 7: What is Putting Yourself First with Self-Care? In the seventh session of Working Well (November 4th, 2pm – 2:30pm), Chelsea Finch, Fitness Coordinator of Employee Health…
Department Name
Employee Health and Wellbeing Department Division
HR Date Established
November 05, 2020
Staff from the Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD) answer student questions about counseling services, stress, anxiety, sleep, coping with COVID-19, helping friends, and more.…
Department Name
Counseling Center for Student Development Date Established
October 30, 2020