Search for tag: "sleep"

Day of Wellbeing: Sleep

Sleep, the health behavior that starts and ends each day. Better sleep equals better health, so let's come up with a plan to help you achieve a better night of sleep to…

From  Addie Moritz 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Mental Health, Wellness and the Pandemic.

A wellness focused mini-podcast series scripted and hosted by UD students about being well during the pandemic and beyond. Visit: to listen to the latest episodes…

From  Angela DiNunzio Seguin 0 likes 54 plays

Working Well: Prioritizing Yourself with Self-Care

Working Well Session 7: What is Putting Yourself First with Self-Care? In the seventh session of Working Well (November 4th, 2pm – 2:30pm), Chelsea Finch, Fitness Coordinator of Employee Health…

From  Chelsea Finch 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Fresh Check Week: Q&A Session with CCSD

Staff from the Center for Counseling and Student Development (CCSD) answer student questions about counseling services, stress, anxiety, sleep, coping with COVID-19, helping friends, and more.…

From  Angela DiNunzio Seguin 0 likes 16 plays 0