Search for tag: "ornithology"

Autumn stopover hotspots and multiscale habitat associations of migratory landbirds in the eastern United States

Understanding the en route habitat requirements of migratory birds is critical for conservation but difficult to know at a large scale. Researchers including University of Delaware Professor Jeff…

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From  Jeffrey Chase 0 likes 210 plays 0  

Clapper and King Rail Population Genomics, Elisa Elizondo

The Clapper (Rallus crepitans)and King (Rallus elegans) rails are secretive marsh birds with declining populations. These species hybridize, but the extent and direction of introgression are unknown.…

From  Lauren Mosesso 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Do ground-based, downward-facing artificial lights affect the flight behavior of nocturnally migrating birds?, Sergio Cabrera-Cruz

Artificial lights at night (ALAN) have multiple effects on night-migrating birds due to positive phototaxis. Flight paths of migrating birds can be curved or circular rather than straight near bright…

From  Priyanka Mondal 0 likes 11 plays 0