01:24:06duration 1 hour 24 minutes
2020 Nobel Symposium Part 2
01:26:44duration 1 hour 26 minutes
2020 Nobel Symposium Part 1
17:08duration 17 minutes 8 seconds
Economics Talk - Jeremy Tobacman, Lerner College…
Economics Talk - Jeremy Tobacman, Lerner College of Business and Economics
17:20duration 17 minutes 20 seconds
Chemistry Talk - Jeff Mugridge, Assistant…
Chemistry Talk - Jeff Mugridge, Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
21:18duration 21 minutes 18 seconds
Physics Talk - Dr. F. Bianco, Department of…
Physics Talk - Dr. F. Bianco, Department of Physics and Astronomy
A brief description and discussion of the discoveries awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics: Sir Roger Penrose, Dr. Andrea Ghez and Dr. Reinhard Genzel were awarded the Nobel Prize for theeretical…
18:51duration 18 minutes 51 seconds
Physiology or Medicine Talk - Dr. Parcells,…
Physiology or Medicine Talk - Dr. Parcells, Professor, Molecular Virology
Physiology or Medicine TALK
21:04duration 21 minutes 4 seconds
Peace Talk - Lindsay Naylor and Michael Fakhri
2020 Peace Presentation