In this workshop, we will define common AI terminology, learn about developing assignments that promote the ethical use of AI, provide syllabus template language for the purposes of using or not…
In this workshop session, facilitators provided instruction on advanced features of Poll Everywhere that included ways to use surveys to develop more inclusive learning assessments. In addition,…
This session will go over the latest features of the Zoom platform and offer some tips and tricks for the seasoned user. Facilitated by Stacy Weile, IT-ATS
Avoid the shock factor this semester by attending this overview of the new DELCAT. We'll show you where all your favorite features have moved to and highlight a few new tools as well. Learn how…
Teaching with media content can be tricky -- most students prefer to access assigned content from the comfort of their homes, but the streaming media landscape is fraught with as many pitfalls as…
This session will provide an overview of the Library and Museums introductory program for First Year Seminar. Themed around Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother's Will to Survive by Stephanie…