Zoom Recording ID: 94401368266
UUID: pexwq0V0RHOih1g68aC2/g==
Meeting Time: 2021-08-09 09:29:06pm
Zoom Recording ID: 94401368266
UUID: x8U3qEYOT+Ovfdp6YyFdYw==
Meeting Time: 2021-07-26 09:26:36pm
Zoom Recording ID: 94401368266
UUID: ca1fPP1JS9K1/paXLpRPew==
Meeting Time: 2021-07-12 09:26:20pm
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) belongs to the genus Alphapapillomavirus which is responsible for HPV infections. More than one hundred types of HPV types have been identified, and approximately…
Department Name
Medical and Molecular Science
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive disease that requires new interventions. A promising therapy is to introduce tumor suppressive miR-34a into TNBC cells. Unfortunately, naked…
Department Name
Biomedical Engineering