Search for tag: "pieces"

The Cross and the Body in Early Medieval England, Rachael Vause

Adornment has often been considered little more than frivolous baubles resting on the surface of the profound and more essential human. Though designed to complement the body, jewelry pieces are…

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From  Priyanka Mondal 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Boundary chart for an open set

Elliptic BVPs

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From  Rakesh Rakesh 0 likes 30 plays 0  

Admitted Student Presentation

Congratulations on being admitted to the University of Delaware! Hear from Executive Director of Admissions, Dr. Zander, about your next steps towards officially becoming a Blue Hen and learn about…

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From  Kristina Demou 0 likes 796 plays 0  

Personal Capture Recording

Using Zoom or Personal Capture to create recordings for Canvas

From  Jevonia Harris 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Personal Recording with Zoom and UD Capture

Using Zoom or Personal Capture to record video

From  Jevonia Harris 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Generation of Oxygen

UD Capture Recording

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From  Dana Chatellier 0 likes 3 plays 0  


UD Capture Recording

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From  Dana Chatellier 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Operating the Miter Saw.mp4

UD Capture Recording

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From  Victoria Tosh-Morelli 0 likes 678 plays 0