Search for tag: "musician"

Casual Collaborations: Hampton and Glouchko

December 7, 2021: Makeda Hampton, soprano, and Oksana Glouchko, piano, present Prendi per me sei libero from L'Elisir d'Amore by G. Donizetti. Casual Collaborations is a series of…

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From  Kelsey Underwood 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Casual Collaborations: Grycky, Nichols & Delbeau

November 12, 2021: Eileen Grycky, flute; Christopher Nichols, clarinet; and Christine Delbeau, piano present Ocean of Glass by Jennifer Margaret Barker. Casual Collaborations is a series of…

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From  Kelsey Underwood 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Casual Collaborations: Brown and Glouchko

December 15, 2021: Miles Brown, string bass, and Oksana Glouchko present Reverie by G. Bottesini. Casual Collaborations is a series of performances by School of Music faculty, providing a…

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From  Kelsey Underwood 0 likes 38 plays 0