01:36duration 1 minute 36 seconds
Welcome New Students from iBuddies
UD student mentors from the iBuddy Mentoring program welcome incoming international students to UD.
10:04duration 10 minutes 4 seconds
The Case for Optimal Flocking in Robotic Systems,…
The Case for Optimal Flocking in Robotic Systems, Logan Beaver
From the debut of Reynolds's seminal paper on flocking in 1987, flocking has been a topic of great interest to the robotics and controls community. Flocking is the quintessential emergent…
01:03:06duration 1 hour 3 minutes
Advanced Manufacturing of Structural and…
Advanced Manufacturing of Structural and Functional Devices for the DoD
14:34duration 14 minutes 34 seconds
Boat problem HW 4.5, Math 221 Winter 2021