Search for tag: "kinesiology and applied physiology"

Effects of Dietary Salt on Modulating Human Gut Microbiota, and Immune and Vascular Function, Katarina Smiljanec

A disrupted gut microbial profile mediates pathogenesis of hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD) through increased inflammation. High salt diets (HSD) are known to increase blood pressure…

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From  Priyanka Mondal 0 likes 7 plays 0  

The construct and concurrent validity of brief standing sway assessments in children with and without cerebral palsy, James Tracy

Background: Standing postural sway is often quantified from center of pressure trajectories. During assessments of longer durations, children may fidget, thus limiting the feasibility and validity of…

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From  Brittany Shimanski 0 likes 8 plays 0  

2A: Sex Differences in Blood Pressure Variability in response to Sodium and Potassium Diets, Macarena Ramos Gonzalez

Elevated blood pressure variability (BPV), as indicated by natural fluctuations in blood pressure (BP), is associated with cardiovascular mortality. Understanding how different dietary components…

From  Caitlin Hutchison 0 likes 5,403 plays 0