Title: Constraining Brown Dwarf Formation and Evolution in the Solar Neighborhood Abstract: As the extreme lowest-mass products of star formation, brown dwarfs are essential to understanding the…
Department Name
Physics and Astronomy
The use of plant beneficial organisms derived from the plant microbiome is gaining interest in agriculture to decrease dependence on pesticide and fertilizer use. It is understood that the…
Department Name
Plant and Soil Sciences
Early eye development involves regulatory interactions between the optic vesicle and the overlying surface ectoderm that are necessary for formation of the lens and the correct placement of the…
Department Name
Biological Sciences
Recorded via UD Capture in Smith 120
Recorded via UD Capture in Smith 120
Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording in Smith 120 on 2019-09-19 15:30:00.
Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording in Smith 120 on 2019-09-19 14:00:00.