Search for tag: "upload"

Save PowerPoint as Video / Publish to UD Capture

+20 More
From  Alice Pawlowski 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Personal Capture Recording

Using Zoom or Personal Capture to create recordings for Canvas

From  Jevonia Harris 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Personal Recording with Zoom and UD Capture

Using Zoom or Personal Capture to record video

From  Jevonia Harris 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Canvas Overview - Creating a Basic Course

+20 More
From  Beth Cartwright 0 likes 60 plays 0  

2. iClicker with Canvas. Sync Roster and Sync Score demonstration

* Connect iClicker to your Canvas Course * Sync Roster to download student roster and clickerid numbers from Canvas * Sync Score to upload clicker points from iClicker Gradebook to Canvas Grades

+19 More
From  Sandra McVey 0 likes 14 plays 0  

UD Capture Space: Uploading media files

Looking to upload the video file you just made? This quick overview shows you the steps to do that.

From  Jamie Summerfield 0 likes 188 plays 0  

UD Capture Space: Overview

Looking for a quick overview to UD Capture Space and what it is? Watch this video to go over the basics.

+27 More
From  Jamie Summerfield 0 likes 375 plays 0  

Another Test Media Upload

Another test course description.

From  Jamie Summerfield 0 likes 2 plays 0  

UD Capture in Canvas: Adding Media

In this video, you will see how to add media to My Media through Canvas including media you already have, YouTube videos, and the desktop recorder.

From  Beth Cartwright 0 likes 845 plays 0  

UD Capture in Canvas: An Introduction

In this video, you will you get an introduction to the UD Capture service enhancements now available for your Canvas course - My Media and Media Gallery.

+40 More
From  Beth Cartwright 0 likes 1,060 plays 0