Search for tag: "school of marine science and policy"

Subsurface Eddy Facilitates Retention of Diel Vertical Migrators in a Biological Hotspot, Katherine Hudson

Diel vertical migration (DVM) is a common behavior in zooplankton populations world-wide. Every day, zooplankton leave the productive surface ocean and migrate to much deeper and darker waters to…

From  Priyanka Mondal 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Lessons from Past & Present Energy Development Engagement Practices with Native American Tribes, Hannah-Marie Garcia

Renewable energy development is essential for the transition to a more sustainable and energy efficient society in the United States. Along with land-based wind and solar, offshore wind development…

From  Brittany Shimanski 0 likes 6 plays 0  

6A: Sea-ice loss amplifies summertime decadal CO2 increase in the western Arctic Ocean, Zhangxian Ouyang

Rapid climate warming and sea-ice loss have induced major changes in the sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2). However, the long-term trends in the western Arctic Ocean are unknown. Here we…

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From  Caitlin Hutchison 0 likes 16 plays 0