Search for tag: "love"

UD Center for Secondary Teacher Education

The University of Delaware Center for Secondary Teacher Education highlights innovative teacher education programs across English, math, science, music, history and foreign language disciplines.

From  Alison Gondos 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Major in Food and Agribusiness Marketing and Management at the University of Delaware

The job market is hungry for students well trained in business, but who also understand the unique nature and dynamics of the food and fiber industries. The food and agribusiness marketing and…

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From  Kristina Demou 0 likes 6 plays 0  

You and the Night and the Music

The Thursday/Sunday University of Delaware Chamber Jazz group performs this jazz standard.

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From  Megan Everhart 0 likes 2 plays 0  

321 Winds

3-2-1 Winds formed fall 2019 at the University of Delaware School of Music, a funded graduate quintet. Some of the goals in creating the quartet was to give students experience in a sustainable…

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From  Megan Everhart 0 likes 7 plays 0  

2019 CANR Convocation.mp4

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From  Robert Diiorio 0 likes 4 plays 0