02:11duration 2 minutes 11 seconds
How to Edit Captions
08:15duration 8 minutes 15 seconds
VII.5 Direction fields
06:14duration 6 minutes 14 seconds
VII.3 Separable equations
07:29duration 7 minutes 29 seconds
VII.1-2 Autonomous scalar problems
10:04duration 10 minutes 4 seconds
The Case for Optimal Flocking in Robotic Systems,…
The Case for Optimal Flocking in Robotic Systems, Logan Beaver
From the debut of Reynolds's seminal paper on flocking in 1987, flocking has been a topic of great interest to the robotics and controls community. Flocking is the quintessential emergent…
11:06duration 11 minutes 6 seconds
V.1-2 Laplace for 2nd order problems
21:43duration 21 minutes 43 seconds
Variable end points - general theory
32:31duration 32 minutes 31 seconds
Before You Explore: Global Stewardship &…
Before You Explore: Global Stewardship & Storytelling
Before you share your favorite #UDAbroad moments, attend this workshop on photography, videography and ethical storytelling best practices.
01:15:00duration 1 hour 15 minutes
Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording in Memorial 123 on 2019-02-26 09:30:00.
50:00duration 50 minutes 0 seconds
UD Capture Recording
49:59duration 49 minutes 59 seconds