Search for tag: "formats"

Legacy Media Carrel

Do you have some pieces of older video or audio media sitting at home in the attic? Perhaps media formats that you no longer have the equipment needed to enjoy them? You may be in luck! The Student…

From  Michael Gates 0 likes 6 plays 0  

DELCAT Discovery - Editions & Formats

This video demonstrates how to locate different editions of books in the catalog. Also covers how to locate media in different formats.

From  Kristopher Raser 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Searching DELCAT Discovery for Video & Games

Viewers will learn best practices of searching DELCAT Discovery for film & video resources.

From  Kristopher Raser 0 likes 7 plays 0  


Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording in Memorial 110 on 2019-02-27 10:10:00.

From  Andrew Novocin 0 likes 81 plays 0  


Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording in Memorial 110 on 2019-02-25 10:10:00.

+39 More
From  Andrew Novocin 0 likes 69 plays 0  


Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording in Memorial 110 on 2019-02-22 10:10:00.

From  Andrew Novocin 0 likes 110 plays 0  


Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording in Memorial 110 on 2019-02-13 10:10:00.

From  Andrew Novocin 0 likes 90 plays 0