02:43:58duration 2 hours 43 minutes
LSST Solar Neighborhood Ultracool Dwarfs - Day 3
The third day (January 29, 2024) of the Vera C.…
03:07:14duration 3 hours 7 minutes
LSST Solar Neighborhood Ultracool Dwarfs -- Day 2
The January 26, 2024 session of workshop on the…
03:00:43duration 3 hours 0 minutes
LSST Solar Neighborhood Ultracool Dwarfs - Day 1
Recording of first day of Rubin Observatory LSST…
59:32duration 59 minutes 32 seconds
Astronomy seminar - Will Best
Title: Constraining Brown Dwarf Formation and…
50:01duration 50 minutes 1 second
Astro Seminar - Eileen Gonzales - Understanding…
Astro Seminar - Eileen Gonzales - Understanding Atmospheres across the Stellar-Substellar Boundary
"Understanding Atmospheres across the…