FERPA regulations and guidelines concerning combined sections and sharing recordings can be a big issue if you have combined sections that meet for class at separate times. To share videos with only…
Shelby Borst, multi-year DTI Fellow shares her plan to use her prospectus and Seminar Leader Feedback to make progress on her research and unit writing.
Department Name
Delaware Teachers Institute Date Established
June 13, 2021
Promo video for the upcoming Delaware Teachers Institute seminar "Navigating Gender Roles and Gender Stereotypes to Foster Gender Equality" led by Drs Angie Hattery and Jennifer Naccarelli.
Department Name
Delaware Teachers Institute Date Established
March 04, 2021
how group work can happen online in your Canvas course, through Canvas groups,
Collaborations which uses Google Apps and other tips.
Canvas Advanced session covers giving assessments (tests, quizzes, exams), Canvas discussions and Canvas groups. Session recorded on March 11, 2020. Part of the Course Continuity Workshop Series.
Date Established
March 11, 2020