Shelby Borst, multi-year DTI Fellow shares her plan to use her prospectus and Seminar Leader Feedback to make progress on her research and unit writing.
Department Name
Delaware Teachers Institute Date Established
June 13, 2021
Date Established
March 19, 2021
Keynote Presentation: Paradox Theory in Organizational Studies: Approaching dilemmas as both/andsWendy Smith, Deutsch Family Fellow, Professor, Co-Director, Women’s Leadership Initiative at UD
Department Name
Lerner College Date Established
November 06, 2020
Presenter Dr. Holden Thorp 9-16-20 With the entire world pressing for a vaccine, more effective treatments, a stronger upper hand in the battle against COVID-19 that only rigorous research can…
Department Name
Research Office Date Established
September 16, 2020
Carol Rudisell Introduction
Department Name
Library, Museums and Press Department Division
Marketing Date Established
July 22, 2020