04:49duration 4 minutes 49 seconds
On the Verge of Environmental Disaster:…
On the Verge of Environmental Disaster: Geopolitical Failure on the North Crimean Canal, Mehmet Altingoz
The Crimean Peninsula is not self-sufficient in…
10:38duration 10 minutes 38 seconds
Mediating Authority: Representations of the…
Mediating Authority: Representations of the Police in Paris circa 1900, Jordan Hillman
Late-nineteenth century Paris was physically and…
02:59duration 2 minutes 59 seconds
Analyzing Source Perspective - English 110
01:00:32duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Andy Novocin's Personal Meeting Room
49:59duration 49 minutes 59 seconds
Video Created by UD Capture Classroom Recording…
51:33duration 51 minutes 33 seconds
Image of Coach, Dr. Matt Robinson