Search for tag: "assistance"

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 4: Understanding Grant Details

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 3: Grant Research

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 2: Project Scoping

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 1: Introduction to Grants

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 5 End-of-Program Workshop

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 4: Budgeting, Cost Sharing, and Reporting

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 3 Grant Writing, Need and Impact, Data, and Evaluation Criteria

Grant Writing, Need and Impact, Data, and Evaluation Criteria Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We…

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 6 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Program May Virtual Drop-In Hours May 2023

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 2 plays 0  

EECBG For Delaware Workshop

This workshop is for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant recipients in Delaware to discuss information about the program, application materials and processes, and potential uses for the…

From  Sarah Marshall 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 2 Project ID, Prioritization, and Development

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Sarah Marshall 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Grant Assistance Training Series: Session 1 Grants 101

Do you have projects in your community that need funding? Have you always wondered about grants and how to access these opportunities? We invite you to embark on a journey into the wild world of…

From  Sarah Marshall 0 likes 9 plays 0  

IPA Grant Assistance Program Drop-In Hours March

Grant Assistance Program March Drop In Session on the National Fish and Wildlife Coastal Security Fund.

From  Kristie Marmo 0 likes 4 plays 0  

IPA Grant Assistance Drop-In Hours

IPA Grant Assistance Program Drop-In Hours - 11/17/22 The topic of this drop-in session is US DOT Thriving Communities Recipient Letter of Interests.

From  Chase Barnes 0 likes 4 plays 0  

IPA Grant Assistance Drop-In Hours

IPA Grant Assistance Program Drop-In Hours - 10/27/22 This drop-in session covers Transportation Planning and includes guests from DelDOT / MPO's / County Governments

From  Chase Barnes 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Housing Assistance Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Anticipating the Need in Delaware

The increases in unemployment and financial hardship brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to concerns about increased levels of eviction and homelessness. During this webinar, Stephen Metraux…

From  Sarah Marshall 0 likes 46 plays 1  

Get It

Demonstrates how to access an electronic article within a library's database using the GET IT system.

From  Kristopher Raser 0 likes 2 plays 0