collaboration with the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI), the John
L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance and the Department of Finance at
the Lerner College of Business & Economics, at the University of Delaware,
will host its 2021 Annual Corporate Governance Symposium. The papers included
in the Symposium collectively address new developments and critical issues
within the area of ESG:
Congratulations to the winning papers:
- The ESG-Innovation Disconnect: Evidence from Green PatentingLauren Cohen (Harvard & NBER) (Presenter), Umit Gurun (UT Dallas) and Quoc Nguyen (DePaul U.)
Discussant: Laura Starks (University of Texas, Austin)
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- The Distribution of Voting Rights to Shareholders Vyacheslav Fos (Boston College) (Presenter), Cliff Holderness (Boston College)
Discussant: Michelle Lowry (Drexel University)
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The semi-finalists are:
- Responsible Institutional Investing Around the World Rajna Brandon (U. Geneva), Simon Glossner (UVA), Philipp Krueger (U. Geneva), Pedro Matos (UVA) (Presenter), Tom Steffen (Osmosis Investment Management)
Discussant: Alexander Dyck (University of Toronto)
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- The Real Effects of Environmental Activist Investing S. Lakshmi Naaraayanan (LBS), Kunal Sachdeva (Rice U.) (Presenter), Varun Sharma (LBS)
Discussant: Lilian Ng (York University)
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- Coordinated Engagements Elroy Dimson (U. Cambridge) (Presenter), Oğuzhan Karakaş (U. Cambridge), Xi Li (LSE)
Discussant: Wei Jiang (Columbia University)
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- The Big Three and Board Gender Diversity: The Effectiveness of Shareholder Voice Todd Gormley (Wash U.), Vishal Gupta (U. Alabama), David Matsa (Northwestern U.), Sandra Mortal (U. of Alabama) (Presenter), Lukai Yang (U. of Alabama)
Discussant: Tracy Wang (University of Minnesota)
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- Trading and Shareholder Democracy Doron Levit (U. of Washington), Nadya Malenko (U. of Michigan) (Presenter), Ernst Maug (U. of Mannheim)
Discussant: Liyan Yang (University of Toronto)
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- Disloyal Managers and Shareholders' Wealth Eli Fich (Drexel U.) (Presenter), Jarrad Harford (U. of Washington), Anh Tran (U. of London)
Discussant: Xiaoyun Yu (Indiana University)
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