"From Silos to Systems: Interdisciplinary Integration in Climate Risks and Food Production"
James Rising
Assistant Professor - School of Marine Science and Policy
University of Delaware
December 8, 2023, 11:30 AM
IN-PERSON in Robinson 206 and via ITV in Cannon 202
Hosted by Mi-Ling Li
Abstract: I will be providing a perspective on the last four years of my work. My research is on the interactions between economic and environmental systems, aimed at identifying policy opportunities for their effective management. One branch of my research focuses on the quantitative analysis of the risks of climate change, including improving quantitative risk estimates, developing integrated models of climate policy, and grappling with risks that are currently missing from policy discussions. In the other main branch, I study the interactions between farmers, fishers, and their environments, emphasizing cross-boundary trade-offs and uncertainty. Bridging these areas of study, my goal is to build toward a comprehensive understanding of the future potential of our natural resources.
Zoom Recording ID: 94428117948
Meeting Time: 2023-12-08 04:05:45pmGMT
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