"From the Depth of the Sea to a Desk in the White House"
Amanda Netburn
Office of Naval Research, US Navy Military
Abstract: Dr. Amanda N. Netburn is a deep-sea ecologist by training, who now serves as a program officer and policy advisor for the Office of Naval Research. In this talk, she will provide an overview of her past research on mesopelagic fishes in oxygen minimum zones and share some of the ongoing research she has conducted and supported through roles at NOAA Ocean Exploration. Amanda drew from this scientific background to develop U.S. national policy for ocean science and technology across a broad range of topics, and continues to lead a federal effort to map, explore, and characterize the seafloor and water column of the U.S. She will share the connections between her research and policy experiences, and hopes to inspire attendees to consider the exciting and diverse career options that can stem from a science background.
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