Please rise for the platform party and remain standing for miss things our national anthem Right oh I see. Yeah Can you see what so whose broad IBS Amber by Zui Hou Li and the bombs Through that I flag that Spangled Banner or and and That was beautiful. Thank Eukarya. Please be seated. Good evening. Welcome to the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics. Graduate convocation ceremony. We are pleased to welcome guests here in the carpenter sports building. And those of you who are watching via live stream. We will begin to shortly. Please note that professional photographers will take photographs of each graduate as a cross and exit the stage. It is my great pleasure to welcome you this afternoon to this ceremony. We will be honoring a 175 graduates and welcome their friends and family here on our beautiful campus. And to those of you that couldn't be here who are able to see it live. We are here this evening to honor the graduate students are receiving advanced degrees. And the Lerner College Class of 2019. Before we recognize some of the special accomplishments of our students we'd like to call Fuad Ali to the stage. Fuad is a dual major receiving a master's in business administration and a master's in applied science in civil engineering at 630 today the civil engineering ceremony will begin. And we'd like him to be recognized both here and on south campus. Like to Absolutely He's going to make it. Lets continue by recognise some of the special accomplishments of our students. We would like to ask those students receiving awards to please come forward I would like to call Dr. Carolyn Levine Dr. John rocky and Dr. Andrea ever ARD to present the awards. He accounting and management information systems department to please come forward. Okay. Okay good evening. Everyone. The masters in accounting Academic Excellence Award is presented to a master's student in accounting who has demonstrated leadership in the pursuit of knowledge as evidenced by outstanding academic performance. This year's recipient is ruling Gian ready. Okay the our second award this afternoon is the Masters in Information Systems and Technology Management outstanding academic achievement award. This award recognizes an ASTM graduate student for outstanding academic achievement and mastery of skills and is presented to so Rabi vote Barrett. Please join me in congratulating our award recipients and of course all of our graduates the next awards will be given to the MBA students by Dr. Jack birdie and Dr. cattle in tech arcs So good evening everybody. The Masters of Business Administration Program will present the blame G Smith Award named in honor of the first Chairperson of the Department of Business Administration and Director of the MBA program from 1976 until 1981. The Blaine C G Smith Award recognizes an outstanding MBA student and each year's graduating class. The award recipient is selected based on outstanding academic achievement. This year's recipient has achieved a perfect grade point average over the course of their MBA studies This year's recipient is Mekong cutree Aurora. So let's give our MBA award winner around of applause. The next award will be given to graduate students from the Department of Economics Dr. Michael Arnold and Dr. David stock and we'll present the awards. Good evening the Economics Department will be presenting for awards this evening. The economics graduate scholar award is given to a graduating MA and MS student in economics for outstanding achievement in the classroom. The 2019 recipients of this award or Zig seeing Yang for the MA and Michelle Kenny for the MS award. The Sally lay them dissertation award is given to the graduating PhD student in economics with the best PhD dissertation The 2019 recipient of this award is Yat-sen zoo. The Sally lithium Graduate Research Award which is given to a graduating MA or MS student in economics for demonstrated excellence and research goes to Michelle Kenny this year. And finally The economics graduate student excellence in teaching award is presented to a teaching assistant for outstanding teaching performance in the classroom. The 2019 recipient of this award convene a Haynes is unable to join us this evening. Please join me and getting our award winners a round of applause. Thank you. Next. Dr. John stalker and Dr.. Terry Campbell will present the finance department awards. The finance department will be presenting two awards today. The MS and finance Academic Excellence Award is presented to the MS and finance graduate who through the enthusiastic pursuit of knowledge exemplifies excellence in scholarship. The recipients of this year's MLS and finance Academic Excellence Award are yellow and you June pot The MS and Finance program Achievement Award is presented to the MS and finance graduate who through their actions and example contributed the most to the academic achievement of their fellow classmates nominated by their peers and the MS faculty. The recipient is selected by the MS and Finance program committee. The 2019 recipient to the finance program Achievement Award is Dennis diabetic. Job to graduation Please join me in a round of applause for our award winners. Thank you. Next doctors eBay Schwartz and Dr. history Khan. But doughnut hole present the awards for the MS and hospitality business management program. Good evening the hospitality business management graduate student academic award is presented to a graduating Master of Science students in hospitality business management for outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated scholarly potential for academic advancement in hospitality. That 2019 recipient of this award is Brianna Schulz The hospitality business management graduates students Leadership Award is presented to a graduating Master student for outstanding leadership and demonstrated professionalism towards success into hospitality industry. Doesn't 19 recipient of the award is Pooja Bailey. Please join me in a round of applause for our award winners. Thank you. Next Deputy the incline will introduce our convocation speaker Before we recognize each of our graduates individually it is my pleasure to introduce the Honorable John Carney governor of the state of Delaware born in Wilmington raised and claim on Governor Carney has been working for the Delaware people for more than 30 years. Governor Carney took office as Delaware is 74th governor. In January 2017 he was focused on making Delaware is economy more competitive. Preparing Delaware is children to succeed. And in building a long-term sustainable financial plan. From 2011 to 2017 he's served as Delaware is low and a member of the US House of Representatives. Prior to his time in Congress Governor Carney served two terms as delaware as Lieutenant Governor. The second of nine children he was born in Wilmington and raised in claimant by his parents Jack and and Carney. They were both educators. He attended St. Marks High School and lead the school's football team to its first state championship in 1973. After graduating high school he attended Dartmouth College where he continued his football career and learned and all Ivy League and most valuable player honors. When he returned to Delaware he coached freshman football on the staff of UD is famous head coach Toby Raman. While he was doing that he also earned his master's degree in public administration at the University of Delaware John Carney lives in Wilmington with his wife Tracy they have two sons Sam and Jimmy. Please join me in giving a blue warm hand. Welcome to Governor Carter Thank you very much Dr. Klein as she was reading those remarks about my athletic career. I was thinking the older I get the better I used to be. It's great to be here with all of you Dr. Klein and faculty and staff of the Lerner College here at the University back here and what we call family I think the little Bob. Let me welcome all the parents and family and friends of these graduates tonight. This is a happy night I know for all of you and especially the graduates. I've been looking through the list of graduates and I've been thinking to myself how smart you all must be. Because every single one of you is graduating in a degree that's actually useful. Something that will help you get a job. I have two sons Tracy and I wonder two years out of college and one just graduated earlier this month the maid Tracy and I very happy iteration i were both English majors. So we were pleasant sees as pleasantly surprised that unlike their parents are two boys decided to major in things that could actually help them get a job after they graduated. My son Sam was a business an accounting major like some of you. And Jimmy who just graduated in computer science. If you think about what you want for your children one of the main thing is the hope they don't become an English major like me for all the English majors and I can say that because I'm an English major to. So no matter what happens after today you can rest assured that you've done at least one thing to make your parents and loved ones proud. Because while some of you may have been English majors as undergraduates now you got a degree that's going to help you get a job. One thing that's especially exciting to me about a graduation like this. Is it for many of you it signals a change in your trajectory of your career. I had a very similar experience through my graduate days here at the University of Delaware. I played a lot of sports as a kid St. Mark's i was played three sports to sports in college. I had good coaches that were people that I admired and looked up to. So after graduating from college I wanted to be a coach. And as the bio said I did coach for some time I coached lacrosse and football out in San Francisco at the high-school level came back and coach at the University of Pennsylvania and then decided to come back home to coach under TBI Raymond the freshmen program which we had in those days for four years as I worked on my degree in public policy and public administration. And while I was here at the university delaware I got an internship in the legislature in Dover And it was really that experience that exposure to government a pox something that I hadn't expressed orbit an interest in or been involved in prior to that that I fell in love with that kind of thing. And I also figured out that I didn't want my success in the future to depend on how 19 to 22 year old young men performed on Saturday afternoons every fall. If you know what I mean by that. And instead I decided on a career where my future and my success depended on how a couple of 100 thousand people in Delaware voted on as second Tuesday every other November that wasn't a very smart decision. I don't think. I can imagine that some of you took similar circuitous route to get here. And I know that once you got here it took a whole lot of muscle to be here tonight to graduate. Angela Duckworth is a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. As part of her research she studied a group of cadets at West Point. As many of you know probably as our military academy of four young people who want to become officers in the army during their first year the cadets have to go through something that's called Beast Barracks. For seven weeks they have to do physical and mental task for 17 hours a day with no break. It's extremely grueling. And it's when a lot of the cadets drop out altogether this psychologist was trying to figure out what the difference was between the cadets who dropped out and those who finished and went onto become Army officers. It turns out that the difference wasn't physical ability. It was an SAT scores and it wasn't academic performance in high school. It was something that psychologists called grit which he defined as a combination of passion and perseverance passion and perseverance. And that's what makes this graduation ceremony today especially meaningful in my mind. Every single one of you here. And then they'll wear blue cap and gown has displayed a whole lot of grit. A whole lot of passion and perseverance just the desire to get it done. You didn't necessarily have the deck stacked in your favor. In fact some of you overcame some pretty big obstacles to get here. This evening. Your class may Tanisha George completed the MBA program while running her own marketing and branding business and while working in career services helping students with their own professional development Maria d'Art Angelo pool was the daughter of immigrants. And the first in her family to graduate from college. She got into graduate school straight out of college. But she had to delay her degree to focus on work and family. And today 30 years later Murray is getting her MBA and strategic leadership. That's what Angela Duckworth would call grit. Your classmate Dennett DBA vec. I hope right pronounce that right continued running his own software company and taught an accounting class here at the same time no problem. Mckenzie shoes just started a job at Agilent Technologies here in Delaware. But more importantly she has a 2.5 week old little baby. No problem. For each of you your passion. And your perseverance is mainly while you're here tonight. And I can assure you that your success in whatever you decide to do after this will be as much a function of grit and determination as it will be a Brains and book smarts. So there's good news and bad news. The good news is that you're leaving here today arm with the skills you'll need to succeed in today's economy. You've learned critical thinking skills from Dr. Brody. You've learned how to work as a team with an incredibly diverse group of individuals from around the world and you've learn how not to take life too seriously at your first friday happy hours that the Deer Park. I remember those hours fondly. The other good news is that it's a very tight labor market out there in Delaware and across the country. And so there are lots of good job opportunities. The bad news is as the kids say stuffs about to get real. In the real world your grit will determine whether accompany survives whether an economy thrives whether discoveries are made. Jobs are lost or gain. But thanks in large part to the education you've received here at the University of Delaware egg every single one of you is up to that challenge. The governor not have all of you because you're from other places I can tell. I'm here to today to tell you that you're exactly the kind of people young people we want to stay here in our state. And so as all of you embark on your new careers of innovation and entrepreneurship. I hope you'll consider staying here. In the first state a state you've called home for the past few years As Governor I can tell you we want you here and we're eager to do what we can to keep you here. So since I've got a captive audience you really can't leave until I'm finished because I'm standing between you and those diplomas. Let me make my pitch. Were small stay a great place to live but a straight for people stay for people with your experience and skills. And we have lots of opportunity at Insight accompany growing here in Delaware is a pharmaceutical company actively working on cutted cutting edge therapies to cure cancers and other diseases. Cortes a spin-off from the DuPont company is working on safer ways to feed people across the globe. The new De Pi which we may hear about in a minute. From our alumni speaker has tremendous opportunities as well. Jp Morgan Chase and M and tieback are looking to hire hundreds of new employees here in the first day. And I know some of you are already working at gore or Capital One startups like carver ties founded by 2013 Lerner College graduates and co-working space at the mill offer other opportunities for innovation and creativity. We've got space for startups right down the road here at the star campus and labs at the innovation space at the Experimental Station. Fintech companies like more let fair square acorns and College Avenue student loans are changing the way businesses and families spend and save. In Sussex County where the beautiful beaches and ag land Purdue and MT air need smart business savvy leaders just like you. In some ways government and business could not be more different. But we we've been working to bridge that gap. One of your classmates noah Olson has join us in the effort as a staff member with a Delaware Prosperity Partnership the public has no out there. Areas. We thought if you're trying to attract and retain businesses in Delaware who knows how to do that better than private businesses themselves. And part of his job is making sure that government isn't getting in the way of that effort. That's my way of saying that if you got a good idea we're committed to giving you the sport you need to make it grow into a successful business here in Delaware. I know that part of my job as a convocation speaker is supposed to give you to give you some advice. But I'm not sure I'm qualified to do that. So instead I'll share an observation and a hope for all of you. Here's the observation. Every job has hard parts. Every job is difficult for my job in particular. It's figuring out what the right thing to do is. And how to do it As our former vice president and UDL love Joe Biden would say. And knowing what's worth losing an election over for you it may be figuring out whether to take a job with a startup company or a large corporation. When to take the company public whether to died down size in order to increase long-term growth or balancing your work at home lives. Whatever it is I can tell you for certain. That if you're doing something that you love and something that's meaningful the hard parts of a job get a whole lot easier. Incredibly fortunate to find my passion here at the University of Delaware. And I hope that you will do the same after tonight. You get to enjoy one of the greatest privileges. I think we as Americans can hope to enjoy Which is the opportunity to turn our passion into your job and into your career. And I can't wait to see what each of you accomplish. Thank you very much. Good luck and God bless you Big enough thank you Governor Carney Very sharing your experience and for taking time out of your busy schedule to be here and for those inspiring words we have a token of our appreciation so that you'll remember this evening. We will now proceed to recognize our graduates. First we will recognize the specific accomplishes accomplishments of our economics and financial services analytics Phd recipients and follow with our master's degree. Graduates. Are PhD students formerly received their doctoral hoods and degrees in a ceremony this morning at 08:00 AM. We will call each of you up to the stage with your advisor to be recognized this evening would Chen Chen and his advisor William late them. Please join deputy dean Kline on stage. My apologies They are not here. Let's give a big round of applause for Shenzhen. Would Yuan Shu Gao and her advisor Adrian Lucas. Please join deputy dean Kline onstage. You I'm Sue a native of China received her Masters in Economics from the University of Delaware in 2015. Her dissertation title is three essays on human capital. Please join me in congratulating you on shoe on her outstanding achievement and completing the requirements for the degree of Doctor of economics Would teeing GAO and his advisor Joshua do please join deputy dean Kline onstage. Hang a native of China received his MS and agriculture and resource economics in 2015. His dissertation title is Essays on heterogeneity and asymmetric information and land economics. Please join me in congratulating Tian Hang on his outstanding achievement and completing the requirements for the degree of Doctor of economics would weigh about Lee and his advisor Stacy back. Please join deputy dean Kline on stage. Way bow a native of China received his MS and economics and applied econometrics from the University of Delaware in 2012. His dissertation title is determinant of labor share movements evidence from a cross country and industry study. Please join me in congratulating way bow on his outstanding achievement and completing the requirements for the degree of Doctor of economic. Would they find weighing please join professor back and deputy dean Kline on stage. Here D and a lot of head shakes. Okay thank you and congratulations of Avon who is not here I've been told banjo if gives a bond a big round of applause would Leonardo de la rosa and his advisor Dr. Adam fly shack or please join deputy dean Kline on stage. Leo a native of Columbia received his BS and industrial engineering from the industrial University of Santander in Colombia in 2013. His dissertation title is improving the effectiveness and efficiency of dynamic malware analysis using machine-learning please join me in congratulating Leo on his outstanding achievement and completing the requirements for the degree of financial services analytic. Would funds Wow Lynn and her advisor Dr. Paul Lux please join deputy dean Kline onstage. Farms Wow comes from Fujian People's Republic of China and received her MS and financial management from Zhao Men University China in 2014. Her dissertation title is corporate leverage in the US economic explanation and machine learning exploration please join me in congratulating FAO John and her outstanding achievement of completing the requirements for the degree of Doctor of financial services analytics Let's have another round of applause for all our economic financial services PhD students as well die. We will next to recognize our master's degree recipients. I will turn the microphone over to Amy Becker. Who announced the names of the degree recipients Amy with the assistance of the ushers we will now commence the radiant of the names of our master's degree recipients. While the route ushers please direct the Master of Science in Accounting graduates forward. We will begin calling the names of each master's graduate beginning with an master of graduate Master of Science in Accounting and proceeding through the following degrees. Master of Science. In Accounting The Master of Business Administration Master of Arts and Master of Science in Economics. The Master of Arts in Economics and entrepreneurship for educators. The Master of Science and entrepreneurship and design. The Master of Science in finance. The Master of Science in hospitality business management the Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology Management and the Master of Science in International Business. We will now recognize those graduates receiving the Master of Science and accounting Please joining deputy dean Kline is faculty director Dr. John Robbie. Our first graduate is Matthew Lang. Guan Zeng. Zenme zou. Suzy Dan. 0s. 111 Yao You Ben. Yogi. Cation Xinye John Yachting Wu De Su Kim. Scott Smith. One wall blue rowan John Donne Lille beating phone use in you. Yao Tong. Guide one Ti. Xian Chu. Wei Zhe Yang. Wen Bo Lu. Do Yuan Ji. Xu Healey. With the numbers. We will now recognize the graduates receiving the Master of Business Administration. Joining deputy dean Kline on stage is Associate Dean for Graduate an MBA programs. Dr. jack Maruti. Are burst graduate with the MBA program is Karen Stewart Maybe they're kept blue. Kim Sancho. Right gender ready. Kurt Messner. Mckenzie Schultz. Alex Zoellick. Melissa boric. Thaler Petersen. Christina Andres. Adam caboodle. Daniela natale James and Suzy. Kevin Mohawk. Right when Mellon mode Brandon Connor Suneil John booming young. She shares jealousy. Warren You. Gong Ba who. Zachary Sarg William cultural. Elizabeth jacob for bonus. Case gay Takayanagi Michael John Michael earned sorry Andrew but count ski. Jonathan tim Huffman. Noah Olson. James Collier. Rajiv meta seti shoe pro tem Mukherjee. Yes sir timber. Raymond scholarly Si. Qian run. Elena is boy Toba size Ri de Zavala. She'll be saying Amit Dora Suneil Melhem. Laura any Lam Jen. Jennifer Piazza rela. Adele Paoli John Osborne Sergey pillage and go. Kelsey Pike. Daniel Albert Sabrina gracile JSON last count ski. Git Dao Tian. De Ni Shuo George Gabriela Zotero De Min is Alexa wick. Jessica scouring kristin role Nick. Megan Daly. Kristin Thornton. Mega Aurora. James Wheeler. Maria dark Angelo pool. We will now recognize those graduates receiving the Master of Arts. Master of Science in Economics. Joining deputy decline is faculty director Dr. David document. I burst graduate is Joshua Hitchens. Michelle Kenny. We will now recognize those graduates who's eating the Master of Science in Economics Education and entrepreneurship Joining deputy dean Kline on the stage is Dr. Carlos SR da. Xb Alan Bloom. Sarah perish. Christine Or the cow ski. Jennifer and Laura Edmond Miller biggie per hop. Jamie build tree Rosanna because deal. Jared close. Christopher Reynolds. Joshua Heinrich. Jennifer bishop ski. Jeffrey Sims. David Tabia Richard Rex road. We will now recognize those graduates receiving the Master of Science in entrepreneurship and design. Deputy dean Kline is joined by the director of the horn program in entrepreneurship. Dr. Anthony middle Brooks. We mental Brooks does not join us this evening. We will start with our first graduate Sam Graham. Amy Goodman part the ban kinda Swami. We will now recognize those graduates receiving the Master of Science in finance. Deputy dean Kline is joined by faculty director Dr. Terry Campbell. Our postgraduate is Elizabeth Basie. Arjun Patel. Dennis diabetic Chang Gui When You Lu De Shen Yan. Soon a Boston. Psi i's a bomb arise you. Using by young who Bo Chen. Ye Bu. Reza luck residing. Wu-tang Zi. Zen Yao. Shuo Ni. Qian Tao Wu. Yan Yan Jin. Jing Mei You gentlemen when Iran zoo. Liu Bei Zu. Cai Yan. Zhao Zhun Lai. Yan money. I'll call it the MAY Monet but aren't they We will now recognize those graduates receiving the Master of Science in hospitality business management joining dbdt dean Kline is Graduate Director Doctor Sri bell Dona. Our first graduate is Gillian Boolean. John mic lows. John Nadine. Pooja Bailey. Briana Schulz. Molly oto Josh Billy. Sarah grander Ming Han Lou. We will now recognize those graduates receiving the Master of Science in Information Systems and Technology Management joining Debbie DDD Klein is faculty director. Dr. Andrea ever ard. Are burst. Graduate tonight is Melissa Garland. Each in nu. So non Chen. Fu Mian Qian null. I'll cotton Honey I'll Catani. Anwar Sadat i small Khan. Dino Wadhwa. So Robbie bought a. A parable CERCLA. I use Patel battery Narayan in Suresh umami worry. We will now recognize those graduates receiving the Master of Science in International Business. Deputy dean Kline is joined by faculty director Dr. Jennifer dragon. Wage in z. Lynn Lynn Zu. Dang Men Lu. Xun key. Bin one Xuan Hao Li. Mozi zoo Various weighed Lisa Marie Cooja. Let's give one more round of applause for all of today's exceptional graduates. Well done. At this time it is my pleasure to introduce ne ha Jane. To welcome our graduates as our newest alumni. Ne ha the newly appointed global market development leader of aerospace at DuPont Is he has a unique blend of technical expertise with commercial acumen. She has helped design winning strategies along with financial and business results across geographies industry verticals and functions She is a Six Sigma black belts with deep understanding of top line growth supply chains and operations. Thank you. She has served as a management consultant to the CEO of a mid-size pharmaceutical company which harnessed her leadership skills and business acumen. Ne ha is a public speaker and investor time and coaching people. And speaking on cutting edge technology developing markets and alignment of supply chains. She is the founder of a value growth LLC dedicated to coaching and training people around the world and advisor to an educational society called par Dada par Dadi. And she is passionate and committed towards women and female education. She is especially interested in helping women in remote parts of India to do and drive a much needed cultural change. She holds an MBA that she received in 2011 from Lerner College and a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from more key India. Please give a warm blue hen. Welcome. For our alum me huh. Good evening class of 2019. After all those glasses though semester exams those deem projects my god those team projects. And those case studies those business reviews researchers presentations you all made it. Many congratulations and welcome to the proud network of UT alumni. You are now an indispensable part of the UD bran. And I'm hoping that you all know what that means and calls for God's way a commitment towards building this brand and taking the responsibility of investing time and money and energy and developing people who will continue to become apart of the UD brand. You would often notice that the expectations from a person who has a graduate degree are far more than others. As a hiring manager I can confirm that fact to you. However as a UDL luminous Let me also reassure you that you already have the tools to not only meet but exceed some of these expectations posed in front of you. A big part of your toolkit is going to be your network. You will often be tasked with responsibilities that may not be a part of your out of the suitcase skill set. If you call it that. If I look back at my 15 years of professional life I've held several positions where I knew pretty much basics on day one. But as long as you're ready to learn and you have the right network to coach you. You will grow and deliver business results. I have endless stories where my UD network has failed. We out of situations professors who have coached me and nurtured me and spoken for me. And pointed me to a great pool of talent that are hired from people who I hired and they make me look good in my new teams. So what I'm trying to tell you is that a big part of my own success story is University of Delaware network. So this morning as I got ready and I taught about what does that one piece of advice that I could give you as I welcome you to my network. What does that one thing that could summarize 15 years of my learnings some of my successes and many of my failures. What does at one thing when I lagged I fell on my face when I had it I was successful in some of the most challenging and demanding circumstances. I believe that one thing for me was courage. All the other skills that you would need to become future leaders business developers researchers and whatnot can be built if you have the strong foundation of personal courage I've had my own fears Governor Carney you would be surprised but I was the one who actually wanted English majors because I have a fear of speaking in English in front of people who speak so well I have a fear of being judged. And my biggest fear has always been Do not be able to fit in to not be able to feel like I belong especially in the leadership groups. And so I had to dig a little bit deeper and find that courage to be authentic especially in the chances that I was facing in my different roles. How do I stay authentic I told myself this that no matter where I come from no matter how I look like no matter how I sound like no matter where I'm going I would stay authentic and true to myself. Today you all are writing your success stories. Tomorrow you'll be developing your growth plans. I urge you all to ask yourselves this. Do you have the courage to learn do you have the courage to reach out to your network and say I do not know please coach me. Do you have the courage to talk about your peers to appreciate them to appraise them. Sometimes even above yourself. Do you have the courage to treat people are like whether the interns are CEOs on your network. Do you have the courage to remove your focus from your individual successes and reach out to your network and talk about the common goal. Do you have the courage to develop people not knowing whether there it will yield any immediate results or not. My dear friends you may not know the answer today and it's okay to not know. The thing about courage has been what I found was that it comes in all shapes sizes and forms. Sometimes it's not about speaking up or speaking loud. Sometimes it's about being quiet and listening and observing and learning. I wish you all that you have the courage to stay curious. The world needs the courageous you. We need the courageous you. Welcome to my network of UD alumina. You have a great day today be courageous to enjoy success and bask in your glory. You did it Thank you ne ha we appreciate your call to action and for courage and authenticity. To remember this day we have a token of appreciation. And again Thank you. As we close this ceremony I would like our graduates to remember one thing that as talented as they are and as good as they are they could have not done all this without the help and support of their families. And their friends would the parents spouses relatives and friends of our graduates. Please stand. And graduates would you turn to recognize those that helped you to get here today. Give them a round of applause. Thank you. Please be seated. I would also like to recognize the learner faculty and staff and my colleagues for their dedication to our graduates with the faculty and staff and all my colleagues at Lerner College please stand and be recognized. I graduate. So let's thank them for their commitment. Thank you for your commitment to our graduates academic success. I do have one homework assignment before we conclude. This concludes our graduate convocation for Lerner College of Business and Economics. Congratulations to all of our graduates. You are now officially members of the over 30 thousand learner alumni around the globe. Graduates as part of your final homework assignment and request. Please follow the instructions of the ushers. As we recess in a line in the aisles the platform party will recess first followed by the graduates. All graduates beginning in the front rows will recess through the front doors of the gem out to the larger part of the sports building and onto the front low wind families and friends. Please wait until the graduates precess out. And then you may follow them out onto the lawn and greet them there. When you've collected your group proceed to the reception in the multipurpose room at that your bot University Center. The reception side happens to be adjacent to the Gibran Shabbat parking garage or most of you had parked. Thank you again. Congratulations to all of our graduates We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Congratulations graduates Yeah
2019 Lerner Graduate Convocation.mp4
From Robert Diiorio July 03, 2019
37 plays
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