So it's more clock time. Christ get started. There are lots of 0s and we would love to have people come join us and see if you would care to do so. Their seats down here and here, and he would sit down and then you have to leave early. That's a p. >> Q will be held harmless. >> But otherwise, if not, I can get started. Possibly asleep. Great. All right, so the first border to adopt the agenda for today. Emotion to move in a second. All in favor? Any oppose? Alright, so we have adopted the agenda. We're off and running. Alright, so now I need an approval of the minutes from February fit for a second. All in favor of a dot antigenic minutes. I'm already ahead of anyone oppose. >> All right. >> And next we have works for frivolous. >> Thank you. If I'm talking too fast, let me know because I have a lot of notes today. So first I want to update you. I'm progress about the graduate college. So I've met with Martha and I've met with the senate executive committee with President sourness was when I give you an update on how we are proceeding. So an artist has reconvened the grad working group that's been doing their business for quite awhile. That group has also met with the grad studies committee here of the faculty senate committee this year has many new members. And so we also invited the previous year's committee members to join that group because they don't have an understanding of some of the work that went on to get us where we are. And so together, those that the two grad studies Committees are the two years of grad studies committees. And the working group have crafted a resolution. And the Whereas on that resolution is says the result says that the university would will create a graduate college honor before January 120 19. So we would it would not be immediate. We'd have six more months to plan. And this is in fact about six months before the date in the gift agreement from the grants that says We must The students, we have a little insurance, but we, we definitely want to work on this. That whereas is in that resolution are simply the reasons that this college would add to what we do now to they're not a lot of things about why you need a grad college in general. But there are very specific for our needs. Recruiting, there's one, whereas fostering, interdisciplinary programs there, there are those sorts of things that we've discussed over the last year and a half or so of why we think we need a graduate codes right now so that resolution, you can expect it to come to the floor of the Senate in April as moved and seconded resolution from I don't know exactly how it comes, but it comes through the grad studies committee and perhaps the Executive Committee. So prior to that, we've been working on a business plan or the graduate college. If I were in your seats or if I was even as Interim Provost, I would not want to be making a decision about the establishment of graduate college unless I had some understanding of how much it was going to cost and where that money was going to come from. So we're putting together a business plan. It's in really good shape and it will be shared with those committees. And I'll just ask Martha and her committees to send it to the appropriate place before it is submitted to the floor in April, the week of March 19, I will be having at least one and maybe two town halls in which I will discuss the business plan for, not just for you, but for faculty in general. And that way when you're back in your units talking about this, all the faculty, we've had an opportunity to come and hear about what it will cost and how we will do it. So you can expect that to happen. So with any luck at all, or if if the business plan will tweak it back and forth and if we can get that done by the first of April, that would be the goal. If not, we could certainly we'd have another month to work on it, but the goal is to try to get that through the first of April and then we'll have an interesting six months as we put some more flesh. And yes, it's been a lot of fun doing it. And I really appreciate the committees and all the work people have put together to take a look at band number two, item number two, a multicultural center. I think if you look at your email, there's a letter in there right now that has just come from precedent, the scientists and me about the Multicultural Center that the report is being released and is available to you. It's sort of details what happened in the campus wide conversations about a multicultural center. It reflects our commitment to diversity and inclusion. We are asking for comments before April, on or before April six. So we encourage you to look at that report and respond on the website or by email, please get back to us so that we can take the next steps in deciding what we're going to do about a multicultural center. Item number three, I'm really pleased to announce that Tiffany Gil will be named. She's an associate professor in Africana studies and history, and she'll be appointed the inaugural Cochrane scholar at the University of Delaware. The Cochrane Scholars is a brand new program that has resulted from a generous gift from John and Patricia cockpit Cochran. And we're really grateful on this. Gift recognizes outstanding UD faculty scholarship and service reflects excellence, creativity, and a commitment to inclusiveness. Do we know the date of that event when Tiffany is going to present a warranty? May 14th. So stay tuned for May 14th and there'll be a nice event to honor Tiffany and to recognize the Cochran's next item, admissions update. Chris Lu fear is in the back of the room. I see. And he tells me that admissions for the fall is shaping up well. We have more admissions this year than last, with last year already being a record year. We'd sit offers of admission to about 15,700 students. And the goal is to get offers out to 17 thousand. Faculty involvement is absolutely critical at this stage, so that students can see they want to know what faculty are going to be like, what's her life going to be like here? And so we certainly appreciate your help and we asked you to stay in the saddle for recruiting students to come here. Those of you who participated in decision days, the first one was a smashing success. And we have two more on deck. One will be April 14th. That's the day before your taxes are due. And so you can come here instead of doing your taxes. And the others. April 21st. We also have had the missions teams should be Fang to recognize for really successful college pipeline. Event one was held just over a week ago. A 150 students and their family members, many Delaware community-based organizations were here on campus to promote college readiness, helping to assure people what it would be like to be here. That program was held on the same date as the decision day. So the emissions team was running back and forth, very busy promoting all of this. And we're really appreciative of that hard work. Next item is the nondiscrimination policy. I just want to touch base briefly. One that there was a town of, I guess a listening open hearing was held, I think a week ago today, I'm some things came up at that. Some of the students said that they had not been part of it. They many students were involved in it, but we know they aren't exactly the same students who were here and they all students turnover a bit. So we're, we're asking that you Soldier along with fat at the last meeting, President, last meeting, your 60-day period to review that policy was running out and President scientists told you to take the time you needed because of concerns around this. I mean, we are now asking could you do it in 60 more? Could you do it a little quicker than forever? So we really would like to have that by May. Do you could do it today, you can do it in April. But that we we made I think I'll take full blame for this, but the open ended take the time you want was probably not my brightest moments. So we do need you to soldier along with that and try to get it to us by May, if not sooner. Next point, the faculty clapped. Climate survey. So on behalf of advance UD advance, I'd like to remind you that the climate surveys in your email in your inbox, the more responses we receive them, more credibility the survey has. And it's important for us to really try to get a gauge, a real good grip on the climate. If you've lost your email, if you deleted it out of your inbox, Then you can it's available through the advanced website if you just step through the highlights section. Next item, this circle players. See our LT players. This is a performance. It's a group that will be on campus there from the University of Michigan, and they will be here April ninth. Really looking forward to that, you're going to do two performances. The first will be held at 830 in the morning, last till 11. So it's the better part of the morning. It focuses on mentoring and our department climates, especially intended for chairs, upper administrators. The second performance will be at 1230 to three. And all faculty are invited to bad its own faculty, faculty meeting, navigating departmental politics. These are really great presentations. So I think to me it's a lot more interesting to go and watch a performance in here and somebody go through a PowerPoint on these topics. So I hope you'll all attend and we'll have some good conversation. We do want you to RSVP said we have enough chairs in the room and some refreshments for you. On the final item I want to say is that you may have heard in the news or heard when you're out and about that a student walk out is planned for 10:00 AM on March 14th in protest of gun violence. The walkout is supposed to last about 17 minutes, which is in memory of the 17 victims of the shooting that happened in Parkland, Florida. Many high schools in Delaware are planning to participate. And we feel that some of our students that you do will be participating just wanted to make you aware of this. If you happened to be in class and people get up and walk out in the middle of your lecture. I also want to remind everyone that our attendance policy states that the rules of attendance are determined by the individual faculty members. So we're not going to mandate or, or say what everyone has to do. It's up to you individually as faculty members. That concludes my announcements. I'll be happy to take some questions if you have him. >> Yes, Judge. >> Ebv from English purpose, more than I should have asked this question last time. >> We'll be we're pressed for time. >> You mentioned something about a study of adjuncts. >> Yes. >> Can you go back and tell us why that needs to be done? >> Maybe who was involved. >> And if the final report will be published, I'm going to defer to MacKenzie Vickers mat here that is planning on go ahead. >> Yes. So we've got invitations out to a group of Faculty and staff members to take part in an ad hoc committee on adjunct faculty. So john, You asked why, who? >> And by the way, if you publish, ok, so the y, there are many reasons why I think fundamentally, we don't have strong campus wide policies about fundamental things about issuing contracts to adjunct faculty, maintaining records, review your performance, and accommodating them in terms of space, making teacher improvement programs available to them. There's a whole range of things, but I think it's really important for us to address. >> And so that's, that's kinda the bullet-pointed list, The Who was the next question and overlord. >> Okay. >> I'm I'm I don't have in front of me but crystallite me. >> I'm convenient. >> Chris Williams, who is the president elect of the Faculty Senate and who's seated dead center of the first row here, they'd be a singer. >> The director of the center for teaching and assessment of learning is involved. >> Cathy, who played faculty members, is that they're Suresh business administration. >> Biggie fidelity from the associated arts program. Christine couture Wray, who's the director writing in the English department. >> And Jorge could be the chair of foreign languages or primitive languages, literatures, and culture. >> That's who we've got acceptances from right now. >> The report goes to the provost. >> This is Provost who needed the report goes to the provost. >> And the question of will it be I mean, we haven't convened, we haven't talked about what goes into the report and will it be public? I mean, my conception and our discussions had been that this is something it goes to the provost and then a shared with the senate. >> So yeah, I'm and I were thinking this is a public report of recommendations. >> And I will add, just to forestall a comment from Professor Galileo that there has been a request for some representation from the specific representation from the AAUP on it because the contract does refer to a reliance on adjunct faculty. >> And in our contract, our practices and our contract effectively sets the rates for adjunct faculty. >> So we'll get back in touch with you about that element of the membership. >> Does that cover it? Thank you. >> Yeah. My husband won't have any long-term adjuncts paid, invited to participate. >> So now this is a full-time faculty that are on it. >> We do have on at faculty who have served as adjunct and then moved into a faculty role. >> We have faculty who have been overseeing adjuncts or who have developed departmental policies along with adjuncts for handling adjunct faculty will have an opportunity for input from adjunct faculty in face-to-face meetings and in sending in comments to the ad hoc committee. >> So there will be plenty of opportunity, but the membership is full-time. >> Faculty had abuser >> Thank you. >> Thank you. >> Any other questions for me? Because it Yes. >> So my peak mechanical engineering. >> I you may have said this, I apologize, but you said the offers were going to go up to 17 thousand for admissions. And the goal is what? >> Very angry when I'm doing my stupidity plus or minus. >> Yes. >> Peter said undergraduate representative comment on your comment about students off. >> I think I was more specifically meant the town hall was not very well advertised. We spoke with administrators who talked to us about the too many students who had been on that committee. >> And I guess what I would suggest is maybe just better advertisement from both faculty senate and the administration. >> The administration from what they kind of did leading up to this process. >> And for faculty senate, a better way of telling students when, I guess the open form or the opening hearing was completely unprecedented. >> But if anything should happen in the future, some native thank you. >> Any other questions for me with that, with the agenda? >> So next up we are going to be some of my announcements and I'll try to be brief. So first thing just for those who may be new difference between the consent agenda and the regular agenda. The faculty are charged with creating and overseeing the academics here at the University of Delaware in our consent agenda. And I'm going to have other people correct me if this is wrong, but the Consent Agenda usually contains those changes to programs that already exist in the regular agenda. The non-constant part, they are resolutions that we want people to look at because they're actually about creating something new, something that doesn't exist. About changing something radically that, that something that we have now. Rather than just adding a class to a minor or taking away a class or colistin, something which are the things that you'll find on the consent agenda and the regular agenda with the separate relations, there actually substantive large changes or substituted changes to things like the faculty handbook. So that's the difference there just in case anyone was curious, the nondiscrimination policy, open hearing, I wanted to have that as part of my announcements. It didn't realized that we were on a more structured timeline, but I think that's fine if it was the Senate oversight in not making sure that all the students or at least those that we have contact with are included. So we know that we need to have an OH. Another open hearing. The one upshot positive thing that I think that I can say from the last one we had is that the conversation was extremely respectful and civil, and that IN today environment, that's unusual. And I think that Talking about for differences of perspectives. Hearing each other in a civil and respectful way is only a good thing. But we don't have unlimited time, so we need to go ahead and have another open hearing sooner rather than later, and probably going to try to tee that up in March. And then we will based on that second opportunity for a a wide hearing, airing of differences in opinions, asked that the faculty Wolfram privileges committee go ahead and move forward their recommendations if they have some on what we should do with that policy. I wanted to just announced the provost office has genuine, generously agreed to fund an award that will be advertising next year, that will be recognizing engagement, community engagement. That that third leg of our three-legged stool that is so important to the running of the university, that service but, but is made even more important and more enrich, the enriching our programs when it's also community engagement. So, so that's coming up and that's wonderful. We have had a meeting, the senate executive committee and the senate budget. The Senate Budget Committee with the chairs, co-chairs of the budget model steering committee to just give us a high level view of what's happening with the new budget model. It was a very good meeting and we have asked them to please come and present to the Senate. So this is aren't we only have three meetings left. You believe it. So they'll have to come in one of the means to do a presentation and that'll be great. The ombuds committee is moving forward with with developing some recommendations for that. And we started that back in September. So that's what did it forward through the process of looking at the budgets, through the process of considering what we should be thinking about and doing with graduate education. It is, it is clear that there are some things we should be considering with our academic program review process. So the rest of the spring and then probably in the fall, we'll be looking at what goes into that academic program review, how we can look at our programs. Both we have right now, the review is done in general in departments, but as we become interdisciplinary, as we come become crossing different, different disciplines, different colleges that may need to be expanded, changed, refined. So, so that's That's coming forward. You all have already talked about the adjunct commission, so read my mind if I have anything more to say there. And then the last piece is just a request that hopefully more recommendations coming forward from the tenure-track commission. So I just ask because, you know, it might snow on Wednesday and you'll be stuck somewhere that you just take a moment to scan over that and so that when they come up, you'll have some familiarity with them. Alright, that's it. Unless anybody has a question or comment. Then moving right along. This is and I'm not entirely sure how we want to do this was the consent agenda because it's on this page and then on this page. So what I need is a is a move to accept the proposals in the consent agenda. And I think probably for this we need the clickers. >> We get with clickers. A. Yeah. Turn on your clickers. >> So all in favor of approving the consent agenda, please. And wave your yellow card. Like you just don't care. All of those opposed, please press B and raise your yellow card quietly and soften. And then if you would like to obtain, don't press anything and the results, unanimous approval. >> Wonderful. Alright. >> Thank you. So next up we have the first item on the regular agenda and it is a recommendation to establish a PhD program vacation. Would the Chair of the Faculty Senate Committee on graduate studies like to speak to this. Well, it's Km moved and seconded, so not open yet for is there any discussion? >> I'm here representing the Graduate Studies commodity like they're supposed to be somebody from communication. >> From communication. That's not what I don't like, native. >> But is there anyone here from The Graduate Studies done is I didn't come here to do that, but I can forward you likely to do. >> I think Danny just wanted to make sure that someone was here. Yes. As per our regulations now that we have that covered, there are also two people from giving cations. >> So is there any discussion my Mikey from Mechanical Engineering, was there just curious about the seven year provisional reason for that particular number or is it just curious? >> Seven-year provisional for PhDs What they say. As I see no other discussion. Are you ready for the quiz? Nope, we've got Bernstein history. >> We move a couple of words. >> We're not recommending provisionally were recommending a provisional approval. >> So let's recommend the approval of the establishment of new PhD program in communication provisionally 78s yeah. Trust. Oh, that's a friendly amendment. >> There is no such thing as had been on the fly. >> Yes, I should go first, second, second. >> We have the picker. So all those in favor, please make sure your point and click add. And then those opposed to the thing with the Clinton and the result that the PhD program has been to create. Thank you. So the second resolution is on the establishment of a non-profit voluntary action Graduate Certificate. And again, the for the Graduate Studies chairs down here. But if well, let's just go forward with the discussion. >> Is there any discussion, whereas in the past has been growing, right? >> I'm not going to change it here because I'm changing it in a minute. Any other discussion? As I see, no other discussion. >> Are you ready for the question? >> All those in favor, please raise your yellow card and put in a All those opposed tension. So if we are already results and it is unanimous, wonderful. Okay, next up we have a PhD in health behaviors, science, and promotion. So knowing what we know about the Graduate Studies, is there anyone here from the health, behavior, science and promotion quit? Alright, so is there any discussion? >> I keep Mechanical Engineering. So this one is approved PRE operationally for five-year. >> Curious why there was a different number between this and the other programs, seventies or a number. >> We miss this one. >> Somehow they're put on here the way they come into the Senate curricula. >> And we just missed this one. >> It has to be 70 years. >> Thank you. >> And also give bonus. I just want to talk with other discussion. Nominated you for a bonus. >> Are you ready for the question? All those in favor, please press a. >> And rage of yellow and all those opposed BY and our results, our emotion. All right. This next one is along one, yes. >> So this is a long one, its first year, this is about the masters of science and data science. And so it's this resolution, and it goes on to here. And this is the resolved the establishment of a new Masters of Science with a major in data science techniques. So is there any discussion? >> I keep doing magic number. >> Thanks. >> But w was that you're going to be your question to put that in five-year kept doing it right now and the other discussions, are you ready for the question? >> All those in favor, please raise your yellow cards and click a and opposed, raise your yellow card thing could be, you know, we are a very strange bunch. I was just thinking of that like objectively firewood, clicking buttons and raising cards, but it's okay, gives us so and the results are up. 58 in favor. A wonderful. Alright, moving on. Presently 56. So this is the establishment of a PhD in nutrition sine motion to suspend the rules and do the remainder of that voting with just the yellow cards. I'm afraid that's going to require a vote, but oh, hey, is there a second? Second. All those in favor of suspending the rules and just voting with part. Please raise your no. No. We needed especially here we vote for this one little cards with perfect. I'm pretty sure people are going to vote with their feet, leave anything cause organized here. So let's, let's vote on this with our high value going about MS or their clickers. >> Alright, so we're going to vote on the resolution. >> Vote just hard for the rest of the midi editor, especially here we do not use clickers, would mean that we would be wasting her time. >> Cereals >> Tech support right over there. >> All right. All those in favor of just using yellow cards, please press a clipper and I'm not sure what you should do with your card. I don't I do love those who do not watch you just use yellow cards. Please be with your curriculum. What are the results of that? Why do you use the Playfair? Alright, which is that the clickers and bag PhD nutrition site I'd get there. >> They like fishing reliance degree. >> During this session, the wording maybe wrong. >> We'll fix that by ANOVA with families. Is there any further discussion? See none. Are you ready for the question? >> Right. >> All those in favor, please use your clicker and click whatever you want, but it will be in favor of immigration. And then the p would be again and nothing else count. So wonderful. Alright, we're building, we're making good progress here. This could be the shortest Senate meeting this spring semester ever. I've just cursed us, but that won't happen. All right, so now we have resolution for the establishment of an Honors degree in applied molecular biology and biotechnology. Is there anyone here that can speak to this from Applied Molecular Biology open. >> I am chair of the department. >> Is there any discussion? >> Is this one not provisional, perhaps and I missed this program through our revision or because they're tied to it over any degree, which was approved provisionally last year for five years. >> You ready for I wasn't going to have leg. Shouldn't this be coming from the undergraduate studies coming to us from, from an undergrad steady. >> Yet I copy pasted, right? >> That's a typo. >> It should be undergraduate studies. And we do have the chair here. So we are, we are just garbage and alright, alright. So it's a typo in childhood. >> Sorry, Charlie, but slight electrical. >> Your engineering on the very unlikely event that some future Senate disapproves the original degree. >> Does the honors degree automatically go away at that point because we're not approving it provisionally were approving it without the degree the underly undergrad. I'm just saying it doesn't say that I just wanted to set the I agree. >> It's exceedingly unlikely original degree will get established and in five years or something, but because rounded curriculum. >> Okay. >> I'll just shut I think it would have to write it. >> It's not a degree. If it exists, it's an add on to an existing degrees, so it can't be just stable. >> Any other discussion? Are you ready for the question? Although in favor, please raise your yellow cards and click button a. And if you approve, and if you are against, and the results are alright. So that is the proof. Next, we have a resolution about adding a statement to the handbook about the use of analytics. So she thought, Would you like to speak to that at all as the chair of the promotions? >> And yes, I Belsky chemistry and share the promotion and tenure committee discuss this in detail. And basic conclusion was that if there was some information that wants to use, it should be available to the applicant. >> And that's essentially what this resolution says. >> It doesn't cite an analytics cannot be heated. >> It tends to be used. >> Thing must be available to the faculty put material science engineering. >> I agree with this and proof and I do have one clarification question. >> Does this stipulation that the department you must make require all of the departments to update their PNT rules or no. >> Okay. Good. >> I would like that to be reflected in the minutes that we have. >> We don't have a problem with that later, but we do not have to update all done. So the answer to the question, yes. >> The answer is the department can stipulate when playing to use them in a systematic way, they have to buy any department is a way to do that. You don't update. >> Yeah. >> Jerry sire subscore science and policy. >> Your third sentence only refers to the promotion process. >> Not only promotion and tenure has tended to apply to both. >> And if so, I would suggest we add and tenure wherever we're looking department unit must clearly stipulate IF How about or whether it should be used in the promotion process, but doesn't say anything about tenure process. >> And someone could be an associate professor not seeking promotion, but just seeking tenure intention. When we actually inserted this, they were sent to us. >> And I think the intention was that it should be tenure was to be implied, is part of the promotion process, praise promotion process, they're included giving people ten. >> And we said, okay, we will add that afraid that we can have tenure issue, which will be helpful because the prior sentence use both and the implications than the original version of this came from the tenure track commission report. >> Suresh, business administration, what does, doesn't? >> It addresses the question of CTE. Faculty Weather Analytics can be used in the review process when they go up for promotion from assistant associated associated to full because they have the same process, but it doesn't clearly stipulated as to whether Sonya I'm sorry, because it has no tenure and often the case for most, for most institutions still. >> But if you've saved promotion and tenure, then it becomes an issue. >> When you add tenure and promotion decisions earlier, it has to be a hard decision process. Eats well. Allen Fox of set a set Secretary. I'm also the Chair of the college promotion and tenure committees. >> And the term promotion and tenure generally, even though it's conjunctive, refers to any part of the process of promotion and tenure, because many people who go through the promotion and tenure process are not seeking tenure. >> So I don't know that that's that ambiguous, but, you know, people feel strongly about that smells, maybe able to answer them. >> And I think the CPU document only talks about emotion. >> In which case there is no mention of pendulums document that was done by the CT condition right yet. >> But there are lots of bits of the faculty handbook, promotion and tenure policy, that used the phrase promotion and tenure. And if it means promotion and tenure, promotion and tenure, depending on the case, I think this falls under it. >> So I think it's like, I just wanted to be sure. >> Disagreeing with David's book is full of emotions. The first sentence. >> That would be a little misleading. >> Having in a number of fields, we use citation counts, we use n factors and number of analytics. >> And and that's well established and fields. >> Then we say it must be subordinate to lumped better standards of peer review. And I don't know if the phrasing is exactly right there. A little bit of an oxymoron. I mean, I support the resolution to the whole, but I think that first sentence When I mean, I certainly think that that must be done judiciously and within the norms in the context of Egypt work field. The second part we'll talk to you. >> I believe that if that's the standard that feel that wow, yeah. >> Okay. Anyway, maybe I'm just GO Danielle and economics. >> I just wanted to clarify, get clarification about how this relates to academic analytics. >> And there are yet because my understanding was that when that was going on last year, that that was not as in promotion and tenure, that we were told that it would not be in promotion and tenure. Wondering if is this opening the door for that? >> Principally, I ask because I think the databases is really bad, really awful in economics because I was just gonna comment that if anything, this ensures that, that that wouldn't be done without the knowledge of the candidate because It's available to chair down to the chair level, but not the candidate. >> But that isn't just because they're told not that they shouldn't use it doesn't mean that they shouldn't use it. >> Now, it would be a policy. >> So if they did use it against the unbeknownst to the candidate than that would violate this policy. >> So to me, if anything, this ensures that it wouldn't be used more than if you just tell them not to. >> And that gives the candidates a chance to challenge if they turn that because I, in my case to the data is awful that you'd give the candidate a chance to challenge that they use for that outlet. >> But this is, this is an attempt to try to make whatever is view is transparent. And hopefully a, a building, building process helps support the development of a person and not be use unbeknownst to them and, and hidden from that. This is, this is an effort to make the process transparent. >> So Jourdan then it does not create authorization for the use of academic analytics data information. >> And ten okay. >> Gallery sciences. >> So in the interest of transparency, it pistillata opaque as they use the analytic tools. >> A bucket department level college gave me, great. She didn't like this. >> You can't embed things to put in people's dossier. >> Tire lovers who need food for conservative. I admit that I've seen external nodes, I looked up this person on Google are not credible comments. There better is not from arms to know word-smithing, that first piece of analytics. >> How about if instead, this thing must be subordinate to long accepted standards? >> We said in the context of one, I don't have strong feelings suddenly be changed. Misko, actually, I like the way it is, frankly, because I mean, when I review documents like out, I'm going to take the word of experts in the field. >> And I think that should be the overall overwriting data rather than, I think rather than saying in the context of the subordinate is probably the right relationship. >> Jim, how can we move this along? Now the question you can call the question I don't know. >> I think we've been sort of understand what the policy if I'm on the committee, the promotion and tenure committee. And we discussed all of this and we've had a discussion. >> So I guess I just want to light them billet ball because I think the questions have been answered or we voted in favor of Hollywood. Please raise your yellow part. A. >> I'll let you turn your fingers on o and go on to airplane mode on your phone. All those in favor kind of question, you press those against what the results are call. So all those in favor of adding this statement to the faculty handbook, please raise your yellow parts and those pose greater yellow cards. And give you a chance. And now the results. Alright, so the motion passes. Alright, so the last resolution on the agenda is to adopt a University of Delaware exposure policy. And I'd like to ask the mover of the proposal if she would like to say anything. >> She just remind people why we have this and get the University is trying to join Sarah, which is state authorization reciprocity agreement. In order to do that, the State Department of Education is requiring that we have a closure policy. So if we are a member of Sarah, That means that when we offer online courses, internships, or any academic opportunity in state other than Delaware. Sarah would allow us to just the part about blanket authorization to do that. You don't join this. Then you have to make a you have to do a memo of understanding with each entity. These things are needed or there, there are many, many organizations, for profit type organizations offering online courses. And so the, the logic behind it is that you have a plan for how to take care of students should the institution quotes for example, they can transfer to another institution. You're going to keep their records for adder so that they can access and et cetera. So that's the logic behind having this on this policy. >> This is the pusher. >> So is there any discussion our colleague John working well, I would like to I would like for senators just a first editors that I could speak to. >> The fact that without this agreement in place, nursing had themselves a really difficult time. >> We have been doing online education, graduate education for a number of years. >> Before there was Concept of online education. >> And in the last ten years we've hit walls with the states. >> So the students that were prepaid through Christiana hospital to enter our graduate programs could not start if they lived in Maryland because we didn't have one of the we weren't a member of Sarah at the time. >> So Sarah will help our program grow and it will certainly take out some of the red tape that we have experienced over and over again. >> Just wanted to put things in perspective. >> Our institutional business for 270 five-year who don't have any even implants to disappear for another 275 years. >> But this is a piece of paper. >> We actually need to have to offer online education to other states. >> Otherwise, there's tremendous variety. That's all there is to essentially an assurance that will take care of the students while leaving ever >> Recall the question. >> We have to go back and it's breaking up. >> There's a second to the causal question. >> There was the question is whether there's a second, the cause is there a second? All right. So now we're voting on calling into question all those big Hollywood question. Please raise your yellow part. All those opposed work, please raise your yellow partner MSB results of the polling place. So Holly, The question has been approved. So now we need to vote on this adoption of this pleasure policy. All those in favor of adopt adopting disclosure policy, please raise your yellow parts and Rachel Carson recipe and extensions. And the result and the closure policy has been approved and adapted. So that concludes the regular part of our agenda. Is there any introduction of new business? >> I submitted a resolution and move to Mars. >> It's probably pause. >> Administration just seems to me, as you can see, the resolution can imagine **** is to pay us oldest son. >> You're a single parent and have to raise one children and he's chiller also impacted severely. It seems to me that a parent raising children today, one of their responsibilities is to educate their children and their children have dreams. And of course, parents want their children to achieve their James, and I think this is a way that the university could show that you'd like to participate in these children to get to tertiary genes. So the motion is really resolution way, suggesting that so though our police officers, firefighters, teacher, educators, and emergency responders are killed in the line of duty, should receive a four-year scholarship. >> That causes for these the parents of that burden. >> But also it shows that the university needed care and support these special people, especially their families. >> So my emotions being often that thank you. >> Die housekeeping matter. Thank you for your second set of Martin. >> I think it's being introduces new missions. >> I guess just a question. >> Abdullah, School of Education. >> I'm a teacher educator. >> I don't know if this is really supposed to apply to me. >> I think it's just teachers or educators, right? >> But not teacher educators, teacher educators who is in the business of preparing teachers to go into schools. So I don't think that that would want to apply to me. I think that would wanted to apply to the people that are actually in K 12 schools, just intended as a public school teacher and furniture's minor. >> So calm commerce as well educate. >> This has been submitted as Nimbus and we're going to have to figure out what committee it goes to and it will get clear 5-bit fill. Your your point is very well taken. I, I I think that we can clarify. >> Group. >> We're talking about four specific, so thank you. >> Thank you. And we will definitely work on this and try to bring it forward next month as new business. Any I mean, as reg on the regular agenda, is there any other new business? Is there a motion to adjourn? >> Nobu alright. >> This was the fastest.
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